Encouraging best practice amongst gold providers.
These Retail Gold Investment Principles (RGIPs)™ are designed to raise the bar for product providers across the market and encourage retail investors to place their trust in gold, creating value and driving demand across the industry
Download the full Retail Gold Investment Principles (RGIPs)™
A comprehensive set of principles encouraging best practice, so that customers can feel confident when investing in Gold.
PDF Download the investment principles

The 7 Retail Gold Investment Principles (RGIPs)™
Principle #1
Fairness and integrity
A provider must treat customers fairly and act with integrity, from information and service provision through to transaction completion.
Principle #2
A provider must be transparent about prices and key terms and disclose other material information related to product features.
# Principle #3
Protection of
client assets
A provider must ensure adequate protection of customers’ gold holdings and other assets including cash held on behalf of customers.
Principle #4
gold sourcing
A provider must source gold of high integrity from trustworthy suppliers, whilst considering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.
Principle #5
Regulatory compliance
A provider must adhere to all applicable regulations and local laws.

Principle #6
Commercial prudence
A provider must not take excessive risks and
should be prepared for various eventualities,
including a company wind-down.
Principle #7
Operational professionalism
A provider must conduct their business with due skill, care and diligence, and manage key risks.